Sunday, September 7, 2008

Samuel Is Crawling!

Hands down the most important event of the weekend was Samuel crawling!!

Saturday my mom and I took the kids shopping in Anderson. I want to say that Hannah finally got to take her "monies to Target" (much to the chagrin of Dave.) But the best thing about our trip was that Samuel started crawling!! After walking around the mall for a few hours we sat down to let the kids play for a while. Sammy was sitting on the floor in front of me and he started crawling towards a toy that was a short distance away. He gets on his hands, puts one foot flat on the floor and leaves the other leg bent (think Indian style). He'll move his hands forward, scoot his bent leg forward, and then move his straight leg forward. It's hilarious watching him but at least he's moving now.

We also got to spend a few hours with Dave & Karen who were in town visiting friends.

***Note from Heather: Samuel's shirt says 'If you think I'm cute you should see my Daddy'. How true it is!! Sammy & Hannah both look like their Daddy and I've got to say that he's pretty good looking. Sam & Hannah don't know how fortunate they are!!***

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...