Trunk or Treat @ Wal Mart
Amos: Superman
Samuel: Night Shift (a Skylander) and he wouldn't wear his mask
Hannah: Elsa (the most popular costume this year, of course)
Heather: 31 wks pregnant
Bobby: {not pictured} was a disgruntled Clemson employee :-)
This is the first year Amos has really gone Trunk or Treatin'. We normally just go to the "Fall Festival" (seriously, it's just a non-offensive way to say Halloween party) at the church we attend. But they didn't have their party this year so the kids decided for Trunk or Treatin' at Wal Mart. Amos would walk up, hold his bucket up, mumble "Trick or Treat!" and then stand for a minute looking into his bucket after he was given candy. Then he'd look up expectantly like Is that all? He was too sweet.