Friday, July 28, 2017

Homeschool | Entomology Field Trip

A few weeks ago the kids and I joined a group of our home school friends for a field trip to the ASU entomology department.  Since Bobby works at ASU, he walked over and joined us for most of our trip.

I'll be the first to admit that bugs are not on the top of my list and spending a morning looking at them wasn't all that appealing to me (or Samuel either for that matter) but I am so glad we went because it was so fun!

We started with a 20 minute "classroom" discussion and it was cute and funny to see my kids sitting at an actual desk.  We learned how bugs/insects can be useful to our environment as well as harmful.  Then we broke into four groups and rotated through four different stations.

Our first station was looking at insects under a microscope and observing live bugs -such as horn worms and a tarantula.

Our second station gave us the opportunity to learn about the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.  Hannah was the only one in our group who was brave enough to hold one.  Really she was the only one who was eager to hold one.  The rest of our group pretty much thought she was crazy.

Third we went outside for a bug catching lesson.  Amos was the only one who caught something, a baby praying mantis.  Hannah & Sammy were really disappointed that they didn't catch anything but I think because there were two groups before us, the bugs probably made a break for it.

Last we learned how to press and mount flowers.  Hannah & Samuel each took a turn mounting a flower while Shiloh and Amos did a leaf rubbing.

We left excited about what we learned and a little less grossed out by bugs.  We're looking forward to our next ASU field trip!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...