I took Hannah & Samuel for their annual check-ups this past week.
Hannah weighs 42 lbs. Samuel weighs 38 lbs.
holy guacamole! He's almost as big as Hannah!!
I have their heights written down as well but they're
in Grandma Rocket and I'm too lazy to walk outside in this heat.
I worked at Tots & Teens on Thursday & Friday.
By myself with the kids.
We survived. The store survived.
Customers were served and Amos got fed.
Not sure if I remembered to feed Hannah & Sam but...
A few clothes even got tagged and put out on the floor.
I've read three books since Amos has been born.
I'm amazed & quite proud of myself.
What do evenings look like at your house?
At mine, Sammy is playing with Amos' toys.
Hannah or Samuel are climbing the door frames and then jumping down.
The constant thud of a child hitting the floor can become really annoying after a while.
Amos is crying because he's cranky in the evenings and does not want to be in the bouncer.
He wants to be held but it's impossible to hold a baby and make supper at the same time.
Mr. Clark and I attempt to have a conversation about our day
but are interrupted by "Mama! Look at this!"
But hey, as my doctor commented, we're just finding our new normal.
Our new normal is crazy, loud and good.