Monday, November 8, 2010

Play Date Cake Pops

The past few weeks the kids and I have been meeting with a group of mom's & their kids (they're mostly Hannah & Samuel's age).  We normally go to Sertoma so the kids can get some fresh air and play on the play ground.  But this past week we invited everyone to our house to make some cake pops.  It ended up raining that morning so it was a good thing we had other plans!

There were six Mom's (including myself) and nine kids!  Our house was  crowded and loud and fun!  There were kids running everywhere and Hannah & Sam's room was a disaster by the end of the afternoon.  But I loved every minute of it.  I love kids (never thought I'd see the day where I'd say that!)

I had plans for the kids to help with the cake pops but the mom's ended up doing most of the work -because they were so neat to make.  The candy melts were ruined because my bowl melted in the microwave.  Thankfully Jessica was there and she whipped up some home made icing for us.  The moms dipped the cake balls in the icing and then we let our kids decorate them.  They were delicious but a little too sweet.  And that's saying a lot coming from me.  

Here are some pictures from our play date...
I thought this was such a sweet picture of Hannah I*, my Hannah and Eden L* reading books together.

Hannah, Hannah I*, Sam and Ezra L* 
  Notice the green pop right in front of Sam?  He had green sprinkles and basically poured them over two of the pops and that was it. 

I'd say the cake pops were a success! 

...Shannon & Brady... 

 See Sam's two cake pops?  They weren't pretty but they were good.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...