Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nine Years

Bobby & I have been married nine years today!  (May 19th)  It's been a wonderful crazy journey and worth every minute.

This is a beautiful song from Sara Groves' new album "Fireflies & Songs."  It's so beautiful and it always reminds me of Bobby & our relationship. 

Twice as Good
when I am down and need to cry till morning
I know just where I am going
when I'm in need of sweet commiseration
to speak out loud
raise a glass to friendship and to knowing
you don't have to go alone
we'll raise our hearts to share each others burdens
on this road

with every burden I have carried
with every joy it's understood
life with you is half as hard
and twice as good

with my good news your dancing on the table
babies born to celebration
the joy of life oh what a sweet communion
shared with you

I know we're growing older
can you imagine what that will bring
it's all a mystery to me now
but this one thing
will be half as hard, and twice as good

  I love you so much Bobby!!

Our Last Day

Today was our last full day @ Panama City Beach.  It's been so much fun.  Not to mention very relaxing.  We all agree that it's been wonderful but we're ready to head home.  Plus I don't think our shoulders can handle much more sun (you just basically have to re-apply sunscreen every 15 minutes here!)

Here are a few pics of our final day:

{Pool Fun}


{Sting Rays}


We've never been to Panama Beach and seen sting rays swim in this close.  The whole time we've been here they've been swimming so close to the shore.  Sometimes individually, sometimes in small groups and occasionally in "families" (my favorite!).  Don't know if it's actually families or groups but you get the point.

 {Farewell beautiful beach.  It's been fun!}

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...