Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama!

Today is my Mama's 55th birthday!  

So to "celebrate" she & I, along with the kiddos, went to the Steak House for a delicious lunch.  Then we headed over to Head Lee Nursery because she loves plants and gardening.  This is crazy but that was my first trip to Head Lee and I loved it!!  I could have spent all day there looking at the flowers and taking pictures.  If I had the money I would have stocked up on flowers and pots as well as some decorations!  But I digress, we spent about an hour or so there (due to the fact that Samuel lost my keys in the green house and we had to spend quite a bit of time hunting for them!)  Now Mama's at home resting and then she & my Dad are going to church this evening.  

My sister and I have planned a girls night for her tomorrow evening.  We're going to cook supper and then do manicures/pedicures.  We've invited a few of her friends & family and it's going to be all girls!!  Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!!

(I want one of those Owl Rock decorations - top right.  And Samuel is holding the "pagonias" we ended up buying - bottom right.)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...