We're only half way through March and I'm just about ready for it to be over. There's a beach somewhere calling my name - calling me to come and rest so that our little family can escape from the family drama and sickness that has plagued us for 3 weeks now! The Lord has been giving us a serious lesson in being joyful in our trials! And I must say that I've failed on several occasions...so I guess He's giving me more opportunities to get it right!
We all started the month with a cold -or really some vile virus that was masquerading as a cold. After a week of coughing, runny noses, and low grade fevers we all developed secondary infections: Bobby & Hannah had a sinus infection, I had an ear infection and poor little Sammy developed a double ear infection! As if that wasn't enough, Sammy had an allergic reaction to his antibiotic. Bobby & I kind of expected this though because my Mom, myself and Hannah are all allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin too. He didn't have a severe reaction, just broke out into a pinkish/red rash all over his torso and face.
It's not been all bad though. The Lord is faithful and has blessed us in many ways this month. We are all starting to feel better...when Sammy's rash finally disappears we will all be recovered! Now we are very thankful for good health!!!
We've also been blessed with several babies this month. Our very dear friends, the Steele's, added a sweet baby girl to their family of four boys on the 11th. It's been killing me that we've been so sick because we haven't even had the chance to meet her yet! Hopefully this weekend we will...
Also our twin nieces, Catherine Louise and Samantha Jean, were born on the 15th to Dave & Karen (Bobby's brother & his wife). They were born at 34.5 weeks so they only weighed 3lbs 2oz each. and are so tiny! They will be in the NICU for two weeks but are doing great otherwise. We are most excited to meet these precious little girls and hopefully we'll be making a trip to NC in the next week or so.
We've had a four new additions to our family as well. Nothing as exciting as a sweet little baby but Bobby bought the kids four chicks on Monday. The kids absolutely love them and have been wonderful about helping take care of them. Every time I turn around they have the cage open, petting one of them. Or else Hannah is asking to hold one. She's turned into quite the mother hen and could sit all day holding them. They are super cute and fairly easy to take care of at the moment. We'll see how things turn out when they grow into big chickens!
And we couldn't do a post about March without mentioning basketball could we? Every year I fill out a bracket and I'm starting to wonder why. Bobby reviews my choices and proceeds to tell me that this team lost their leading scorer due to some injury and that team has never made it into the Final Four and most likely never will. I guess I keep filling them out in hopes that one year I might actually pick the team that wins the whole dang thing and I can gloat over Bobby. So keep your fingers crossed that Kansas wins this year ;-)
***To the person who asked about the Phonic books that Hannah has been using: a sweet friend of ours gave me the whole set. There are 17 books, some audio tapes (the set is so old it's tapes and not CD's!), charts, games, etc. I have no idea where she got them and I've found books here and there by searching Amazon & Etsy -keyword Phonetic Storybooks and/or Raceway Phonic Books. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find a complete set. They have been a blessing to me in teaching Hannah to read and I hope you can find your own!***