Even though he's not as hands-on as Hannah,
Samuel definitely loves his little brother.
He keeps him entertained during diaper changes and always lets me know when Amos is crying
(like I can't hear for myself!)
Neither kid has had too much trouble adjusting to having a new baby in the house.
I'd say that Sam had a harder time understanding why Bobby & I stay so tired,
but otherwise he's done great!
We're quickly learning the best way to do things...and make sure everyone gets what they need :-)
We've played a lot of 'Go Fish', 'Old Maid' and 'War' with the kids.
Why didn't we discover the awesomeness of card games before?!
And Hannah will hold books for me to read while I nurse Amos.
Every day is a lesson in patience as someone is left waiting while I finish nursing the baby or finish making the kids lunch ... or finish my own lunch. You learn to evaluate everyone's needs and whoever has the greatest need at the moment gets served first.