Thursday, May 6, 2010

hot days

The hot weather is slowly moving in and that means sprinkler fun!  Until we are able to actually go swimming the kids enjoy running through the sprinkler and playing in the resulting mud.

 Hannah really had a blast playing while Samuel stood and watched from afar.  He cried every time the water sprayed him - it's time to toughen him up!! 

While trimming my miniature rose plant I found a caterpillar.  Hannah loves it, has named it Flutter and created a home (look to her right) for it so she can keep it "forever'. 

my girl

I set out with a goal yesterday.  To get some pictures of Hannah because she's so beautiful and sweet (plus I just want a lot of pictures of my kids.  my parents don't have a lot of pics of me when I was younger.)  She just wouldn't cooperate.  She's at this stage where she makes a crazy face any time I point the camera at her!  The only decent shot I got was the very first one!  Oh well, at least she gave us a good laugh!!
{The third shot is my favorite!}

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...