Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hannah's New Obsession

At first it was 'My Little Ponies.'  Then it was Webkinz...okay, it's still Webkinz to a certain degree.

While we were in Houston this past May, Hannah found a Care Bear at a Goodwill.  I bought if for her and thought nothing of it.  She gets stuffed animals all the time that she'll play with for  a week or so and then they end up in the 'Donate to Goodwill' bag. 
But she talked & talked and played & played with that Care Bear all the time!  So I asked my Mom to be on the lookout for more when she was browsing our local Goodwills.

It all began with this one...

Then my Mom found this pink one...

After than my sister and my Aunt Faye joined in the quest.  I think we've got enough now, don't you?

Hannah now has so many Care Bears that we didn't have a "home" for them.  At first they stayed on her bed but now there's too many.  They also don't fit on the Pet Net b/c she's got other stuffed animals (that might be headed for the donation bag soon...).  So I bought a hamper the other day.  Maybe I should have bought two hampers!

No more Care Bears PLEASE!!  But if you happen to find Care Bear sheets for a twin bed buy them and I'll pay you back.  We only need one set though :-)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...