Mr. Amos James is now 10 months old. In our excitement and travel prep I forgot to post about him.
I love when my babies get to this age. Their little personalities shine through more and more. Amos loves to be tossed around in the air and hang upside down by his feet. When he sleeps he pulls his snuggle blanket either over his face or right beside his cheek. The kids and I enjoy reading to him and his favorites are Brown Bear, Brown Bear and The Very Busy Spider. He gets so excited when we open Brown Bear and loves to turn the pages as we read.
Food wise he's starting to try and eat more table foods. While at Cracker Barrel the other day he reached over and grabbed a piece of cornbread and ate over half of it. He's going to be a bread eater just like his Mommy.
He laughs so easily and is very ticklish. All it takes is Sammy or Hannah walking up to him and he'll start cackling. I can't believe how laid back he is.
He still hates rolling on the floor but will roll all over the bed. He easily transitions from sitting to his belly. And recently he has started getting the hang of sitting up from a prone position. He has pulled up to a standing position in his crib and is almost able to while beside the couch or a chair. Amos is still scooting around on his booty and gets where he wants to be quickly.
Right now he is loving the pool but hating the sand. He drew his feet up nearly to his chest when I tried to stand him in the ocean and cried when we sat him in the sand. He spent our morning on the beach sitting on his blanket with his feet up like the sand might crawl onto the towel and get him. He was clearly disgusted by it. However he does love the wind in his hair!
He is such a cute little sweetheart. It's hard to believe there was a time when we didn't have children because now I can't imagine my life without them.