Until Bobby arrived we stayed with our friends, the Morgans. We went to AWANA at our old church and at the end of the week Holly, Melissa and I took all of the kids to Gravitopia (then we went again after Bobby & Sammy arrived!!)
Hannah & Summer are ready for crazy hair night for AWANA.
I was able to relax and spend a little more time cuddling this fellow.
I thought this picture was so precious. Sammy & Amos shared a bed while we were home and they would snuggle so close to each other!
And we celebrated three birthdays with one big party.
Shiloh turned one on Christmas Eve so we had a quiet supper with my parents and he devoured cupcake after cupcake. Then on New Years Day we had a real party. New Years Day Hannah Banana turned ten years old. And since Sammy would be turning eight just a few weeks later we went ahead and included him in the celebration. Bobby & I knew that the kids would much rather have a party with their friends from home since they've not really had time to make a lot of new friends.
Our empty house was full to overflowing with family, friends and kids galore. It was so much fun! When the kids opened their presents I realized there was no way to keep track of who received what, much less who it came from! Guests also felt that Amos shouldn't be forgotten and brought gifts for him as well (though no one seems to remember that he had a big party to himself back in July!)
I didn't do a theme or food this time. We kept it simple with cake and ice cream. I was a little worried about getting a cute cake to suit all three kids and their interests. We have friends who own a bakery and I asked them if they would be willing to accept the challenge of making a cake for a 10 year old girl, eight year old boy and one year old boy. They were excited to help and the cake was awesome!!
Every year I feel excited and sad as the New Year rolls around. I love looking forward to a new start and seeing how the Lord is going to provide for us and lead us but I hate that it also means that my children get one year older. They really do grow too fast! I have a ten year old and a one year old! How is that even possible?!
Hannah loves the Vera Bradley back pack I bought her. I love it too and may just have to borrow it from her sometime.
Just LOOK at how beautiful she is!!!!