Well the snow has moved out and spring-ish weather has moved in and brought March showers with it. We're still rejoicing though! I thought you might like to know what our little family has been up to (other than playing in the snow :-)
Bobby: He's still working at Clemson during the week and then at Captain D's three days a week. But not for long! May 2 will be his last day at Captain D's. Woo hoo!! He's been so busy with both jobs, schoolwork and work around the house that I feel like we barely see him. It's fine though because it will all be over soon and he'll finally get a much deserved break. We can't wait.
Heather: I'm still keeping up with Hannah & Samuel as well as endless housework. I've also been s-l-o-w-l-y making my way through 'Anna Karenina.' It's a great book and the language is fairly easy to read but it's so long that it's taking me a while. This past week I started babysitting for a friend of mine. I'm watching her 9 month old son Mon-Wed for a few weeks. It's been interesting having a little baby around. Hannah is fine with him but Samuel has been a little jealous and unsure. It's been challenging and fun though.
Hannah: Bitty-Boo has been having fun, fun, fun! She has truly enjoyed every bit of snow we've gotten and on warm sunny days she's either played on the trampoline or pedaled around on her bike.
She's been a great helper around the house. She does her chores (making her bed, feeding Oscar, helping separate/fold clothes, vacuum) and then gladly helps me with the dishes and cooking. She's so cheerful too and it makes me so happy to have her with me every day.
She's becoming very independent as well. One day I put her in the bath tub to play before I came in to wash her. About 15 minutes later she came into the living room wrapped in her towel. She'd already washed her hair, bathed, drained the water and dried off. I love it!!
Her greatest achievement lately has been learning to write her letters. We bought her a dry-erase notepad to practice and she works on it nearly every day. She's become really good at writing her "mama" letters and is still working on her "baby" letters.
Her two main interests are coloring/water painting and flowers. She has already started a mini greenhouse with daisy seeds (and they've started sprouting too). Today I told her she has a green thumb and she looked down as her hands and said, "Where Mama?"
Samuel: Bitty Buddy has been having fun right along his big sister. It doesn't matter what she's doing or where she is, Samuel is always right beside Hannah. They play together so well (for the most part!) Hannah loves Sam so much that she wont' spend the night with her Granny if Sam doesn't come too.
Samuel has also been a great helper around the house. He's just naturally neat and clean. He'll put toys away or throw away trash without me even telling him to. The other day he spilled OJ on our end table but I didn't realize it. He suddenly come running out of the bathroom and fell down. I started towards him to help but he jumped right back up yelling, "I'm okay!" He had a little wash cloth in his hand and he ran right over to the table and started cleaning up the OJ. Wow!!
He's talking more and more every day. At home that is. He seems to be pretty shy when we're out and about with other people. He's a pretty serious little fellow as well - but only when we're out in public. Weird. Anyway, yesterday he was eating lunch when he looked at me and said, "I want 'nother vitamin. Orange. And Hannah pink." After about two weeks of persistent work (on my part) he finally knows his colors! Now he'll point and tell you what color everything is (Hannah's pants purple. Daddy's bag is blue. etc.) He can also count to 10 without any help!
But his greatest "achievement" of all - he's potty trained!! He only wears pull-ups at night now. I was beginning to think that all of our work on "elimination communication" was in vain because at the end of last year he went through a "potty pause." He simply refused to tell me when he needed to go potty. I became very frustrated. But my dear friend Lindsay encouraged me b/c her son is two months older than Sam and he had done the same thing. A few weeks before his second birthday he was keeping his pull-up dry. I put him back in underpants and he started telling me when he needed to go potty! All before he turned 2!
His interests at the moment are Hannah, playing with the toy guns he got from his Papa, reading books, putting on cologne to " 'mell like Daddy" and playing outside.
What have we been up to lately? Staying busy and enjoying our time together :-)