Friday, July 31, 2009

Princess Tutu - Prayer Warrior

Wow!! We've had a crazy summer and I'm grateful that it's finally starting to wind down. We spent the first part of the summer at Oconee State Park swimming. The middle of summer was dedicated to camping and celebrating my Dad's 61st 'burfday'. The end of our summer has been spent on play dates at Sertoma and finishing up gymnastics.

My Dad found out a week ago that his surgery has been set for August 18th and 8am. We've been cleaning their house like crazy and I've been dispatched on numerous shopping trips to buy things for his hospital stay. About a week before his birthday he got a little puppy - a mix of wire terrier and blue heeler. He was the cutest little thing and my Dad named him Trouble. Hannah and I taught him to shake hands. We all loved the little bugger even though he drove us crazy getting under our feet and chewing on everything! Sadly he died the other night when he accidentally got hit by a truck. I cried like a baby when I found out about poor little Trouble. I had grown very attached to him myself and my poor Dad is already dealing with so much. It breaks my heart that he lost his little buddy and had been looking forward to taking him on walks and training him while recuperating from his surgery. He's very positive and believes he won't even need to have the surgery because he has complete faith that the Lord will heal him. That's what Hannah & I have been praying as well.

Which brings me to Hannah. She's been dressing up in her leotard and tutu lately - she's nicknamed herself Princess Tutu!! She's such a creative, clever little girl! She's also been praying for everything lately. Sammy was sick and we all laid hands on him to pray for him. Hannah says, "Lord please heal Sammy and let him feel better." The next morning his fever was gone and he was perfectly fine. My left ear had been stopped up for a few days and it was driving me crazy. Hannah prays, "Lord let Mama's ear feel better so she can hear better." The next morning my ear was completely clear!! She prayed for rain for several days asking the Lord, "Lord please let it rain because our flowers need a nice long drink of water." It started raining Wednesday and it's rained at least once a day since then. And she always says 'thank you Lord' when I show her that He answered her prayer. I love my little prayer warrior. Every night she says, "Lord please heal Papa's tumor so he can walk better." I love it that Hannah is learning to lean on her heavenly Father and to ask Him for what she needs. And she's learning that He is our faithful Gentle Healer!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Tuna

This handsome young man...

has a brain tumor. You heard me right, a brain tumor. We found out last Wednesday. My Dad went for a consultation with a neurosurgeon, Dr. Stephen Gardner, last Friday. It's the size of a golf ball. It's benign. It's operable. The tumor is between his skull and his brain and it's on the brain but not from the brain. If it's not removed he'll have a stroke within the year and if that happens there will nothing the doctors can do.

My Dad has been having a problem with his left leg for a while now. He drags it when he walks, he's almost fallen several times, it shakes and his toes are curled on that leg. So he had a series of tests done but nothing was wrong with the leg itself. The doctor said that they would have to look farther up. Way up. So last Wednesday the doctors performed a series of tests including an MRI. That's when they found the tumor. It's pressing against the nerve that goes to his left leg. Praise God that it's not wrapped around the nerve.

The next step? Surgery. Or "getting my head sawed on" in the words of Daddy. Dr. Gardner is very confident that he can go in and remove the offending tumor without any problems. Daddy will have to stay in the CCU for a week, he'll have a terrible headache and a horseshoe shaped scar. But best of all, he should be able to go hog huntin' when September rolls around. At this moment we're waiting for the powers that be to set the date for his surgery. It should be in the next few weeks.

My Dad really likes Dr. Gardner. He's been doing this (neurosurgery) for 31 years now. He was also in Vietnam the same time Daddy was. He's confident, patient and kind. He also told my Dad if he preferred to have his surgery in Emory rather than Greenville that he could refer him to some excellent doctors there. But my Dad really likes Dr. Gardner so he'll be going to Greenville.

Every one is doing well right now. We're all a little nervous and a little scared. My Dad isn't one to show emotions but he's commented several times that he's nervous. We've talked and he told me that he knows the Lord will heal him. Praise God!! My Mom is really nervous but she's keeping her spirits up as well. Keeping her spirits up and cleaning like a mad woman. At the moment my parents seem to be Summer/Fall cleaning in preparation for the coming fall - cleaning the chimney, stacking the wood, cleaning the house, etc. They're getting as much done as possible before the day of the surgery. Don't visit my parents unless you want to be put to work!!!

What about my title - the tuna? Wednesday night I explained to Hannah that Papa had a tumor in his head - a big boo boo that was making his leg feel bad. The day after we found out about the tumor we spent the entire day at my parents house. My parents and Hannah were sitting on the porch when Hannah looked at Daddy and said, "Papa do you have a tuna in your head?" He thought she meant he had a bug or fly on his head so he said No. She brightened up and asked, "You're feeling all better?" That's when he realized what she was talking about. Now we generally refer to it as the tuna.

I think I cried just about all day when I first found out about the tumor. Brain tumor are two words that you never want to hear. I'm so very thankful that it is benign and operable though. A scripture that keeps coming to mind lately is:

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21
I know how I want things to turn out. I want my Dad to have the easiest surgery, easiest recovery and the quickest recovery. I want him to be around for many many years to come. I tell the Lord this every day!! And I'm taking comfort in the knowledge that He is in control and He has his hand on us. He's the Gentle Healer and no matter what happens that will always hold true.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hannah has been so excited about camping. We've been planning for about a month or so and we finally went this past weekend. We've been hiking just off of Rich Mountain Road for a while now and found the perfect place to camp and swim.
So Saturday Bobby took our tent and camping chairs to get everything set up. After the kiddos woke up from their naps we headed out. Bobby with Samuel on his back and a gym bag. Me with the small cooler, back pack, Hannah's sleeping bag and machete. I believe I was supposed to be knocking down spider webs and clearing limbs out of the way but that didn't happen!! Once we got to the site we immediately changed into our swimming clothes and spent the rest of the afternoon in the water. There was a sand bar for the kids to play on and you could walk almost across the river before the water got deep. There were deep spots but you had to walk really far out before you hit one. Hannah & Samuel had a ball! Eventually I got out so I could get the air mattresses (I know I know!! But I'm not about to sleep on the ground just yet!!) inflated before night time.
After that Bobby started our campfire right on the sand bar. Samuel ended up completely naked and covered in sand. And he probably ingested an unhealthy amount of sand as well but what can you do? Every time we put him in the river to rinse him off he'd cling to us and say, "It cold!! It cold!!" Hilarious! After we finished our hot dogs we started making smores, which is what Hannah was really looking forward to. I can't believe how quickly the afternoon went by!! Not long after we finished eating it was time for bed. I had brought one bar of soap and a wash cloth with me and I "washed" the kids as best as I could in the river. They were entirely too sandy, dirty and chocolate-y. Hannah got to use the Spongebob sleeping bag that Dave had bought her for X-Mas. I think at one point she wanted to go home but that didn't last too long. This was my first camping trip going out into the real wilderness but I loved it. It was so awesome just laying and listening to the river as well as watching the lightening bugs.
The next morning we ate a quick breakfast and sadly took down our tent. Hannah is already planning to go back. And we're planning to but not until next month. We've got a lot going on but we certainly want to go back. Maybe next time we'll be able to stay for a little longer. I had fun and can't wait to go back but I could do without the ticks and bugs!

Bobby & the kids attempting to adjust to the frigid river water.

Samuel dove towards Bobby and went completely under water. He must have held his breath because he wasn't coughing or spitting up water. Just a side note on this pic...I believe Samuel looks a little more like me. He certainly doesn't have Bobby's facial structure or nose!!!

Hannah playing near the sand bar.

A room with a view.

Bobby starting our campfire. Hannah began propping up little sticks and twigs and said she was making a fire too.

Wienies, chips and a Capri Sun. The only thing better is a smore.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Swimming & Grilling

We had an absolute blast on the 4th. It was nice that Bobby didn't have to work and we were both fairly caught up on all of our "chores". The kids and I let Bobby sleep as late as we possibly could. While he was catching up on his beauty sleep we got everything packed so we could go swimming at OSP. After a quick breakfast we headed out. The line of traffic on Hwy 28 was crazy ridiculous because everyone was headed to Hillbilly Day. No one was going up Hwy 107 towards the park which was very encouraging - the more people at Hillbilly Day meant less people at the park swimming.

My parents met us at the park. It was so fun just relaxing and watching the kids playing. Plus my Mom kept the kids occupied for a little while so Bobby & I could actually swim (you know water that comes up higher than my knees). We also ate lunch there but after lunch it started getting crowded. The Hillbilly Day crowd must have become overheated and needed to swim to cool off. My parents left right after lunch but we stayed and played for a little longer. But all good things must come to an end. The kids needed a nap so we packed everything up and headed home.

Mama keeping the kids occupied.

Those swim trunks NEVER got wet!

Bobby & the cuties playing in the sand.

Sweet little buddy.

After naps we again loaded up but this time we headed to my parents house. They were grilling out and everyone was invited. Bob, Tommy, Emily, Joan, Bonnie and Tim were there as well. I love when we have a huge get-together! It's always loud and so much fun. After some drama with the grill, supper was finally ready. And it was well worth the wait. Everything was so delicious! And we had a juicy watermelon for dessert. About 8 o'clock we decided to go ahead and do fireworks because it was almost the kids bed time. Samuel loved the fire works and didn't flinch at all. Hannah, on the other hand, was scared and wanted to go inside. She finally came out when Bobby, Bob, Tommy & I shot the Roman Candles. That was her favorite because, "they didn't hurt my ears and they were pretty." Crazy child.

I'm just so glad that we were able to spend the day with our families. Swimming, good food, good fellowship and fire works. What more could you want?

Samuel watching with interest as Bobby cuts the watermelon.

Mama, Joan and the kids just relaxing.

"And what do I do with this again?"

Pops & Sammy playing in the yard.

Mama & Sammy watching the fireworks.

Just a funny story before I sign off... Last night I was giving the kids their bath when I noticed Sam has a faint tan line. His little booty is white and his back is slightly tan. And I do mean slightly. I said, "Sammy! You could be the new Coppertone Baby!!" Hannah spent the rest of the bath calling Sammy the "Coppercone Baby Head!!" She is such a hoot!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mama, Mama, Mama

Yeah, I hear that about a thousand times a day but that's not what this post is about. This post is for my dear sweet Mama. I realize I've written several about my Daddy but not really any about my mom.

Mama is one of my best friends. She can drive me crazy more than anyone I know (even my own kids) but I can't imagine not having her around. I'm very fortunate to live about five minutes away from my parents and I'm even luckier that neither of them work. So they're close and always available if I need them or simply want them to tag along with me. My mom has several health problems but she keeps on going and is always there for me when I need her most. When we're together there is never a dull moment and we're constantly laughing.

My mom & I have so much in common too. We love to read and cross stitch. We like the same kinds of food and we both have a weakness for all things chocolate. We're content just to stay home and relax. And generally we have the same thoughts and observations about people and situations.

She's always up for swimming at the State Park or shopping in Anderson (in fact I don't know of a time that she's said 'no' to shopping!!). And just the other day she & my sister took Hannah and Samuel for the entire afternoon so I could have some time to myself. She's constantly saying she'll watch them so I can have "me time" or so Bobby & I can go on a date. For our anniversary this year she had a sleepover at her house for them so B & I could have the entire evening to ourselves. Mama is so thoughtful too. She always remembers if I say I want something or I need something for the kids. I don't know how many times she's bought us clothes or found something we would like while she's out shopping.

Every year we have a birthday party for my Dad but my Mom never wants anything big for her birthday. This year Bonnie and I disregarded that and planned a surprise party for her. I can't believe we pulled it off because we never actually got together to work out the details. Everything was done over the phone because my little family was in FL for an entire week and right when we got back she left to go to the beach. But we did it and my mom was totally surprised (she even cried sniff sniff!!) We invited everyone from my parents church as well as a few of their neighbors. My mom couldn't believe that so many people knew and no one slipped up and said anything (for that matter I'm surprised too!)

I wasn't home for Mother's Day because we were on another adventure up north but my sister and I have plans to take her shopping in Anderson and to lunch at Red Lobster (can you believe she's never been to Red Lobster?!) I know all of this is old news. Really old news. But happy birthday and Happy Mother's Day Mama!!!

I love you so much and I'm so proud and blessed to have you as my Mother. You're an excellent Granny to my kids and we love having you around!! Thank you for ALL that you do for us!!


My Mom's birthday was in April so these pictures are really belated. We had a Luau and it was so much fun!!

These are the monkey cupcakes I made for the party.

Hannah on her lei and is ready to party.

Sammy just woke up from his nap so he doesn't look too excited in this pic.

Me, the kiddos and the birthday girl.
Opening gifts...
Mama & Don (her neighbor)
Slow Joe Crowe. He's the preacher at the church they attend.
Daddy & Emily (my neighbor) having a friendly chat.
Unfortunately there are no pictures of my sister b/c I forgot my camera and she was the one taking all the pics!! Sorry Bonnie!!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...