For the past few years we've celebrated Passover with our dear friends The Steele's. It's so amazing to see what is celebrated & remembered during Passover while knowing that Jesus broke the bread - His body- and offered them the cup -His blood that was "poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:17-35).
We use 'The Messianic Passover Haggadah' as our guide. It explains everything that is done during the Passover feast and provides scriptures and songs as well. We light the candles, wash our hands, drink the cups of wine, eat the bitter herbs, read the story of Passover, eat the meal, hid the Afikomen.... you get the idea. We do it all! And the kids really enjoy it too. Hannah was disappointed that she didn't find the Afikomen but she did get to open the door for Elijah.
The Seder Plate
Lindsay made cute little seder plates for the kids and we had the main plate as well.
We use 'The Messianic Passover Haggadah' as our guide. It explains everything that is done during the Passover feast and provides scriptures and songs as well. We light the candles, wash our hands, drink the cups of wine, eat the bitter herbs, read the story of Passover, eat the meal, hid the Afikomen.... you get the idea. We do it all! And the kids really enjoy it too. Hannah was disappointed that she didn't find the Afikomen but she did get to open the door for Elijah.
The Seder Plate
Lindsay made cute little seder plates for the kids and we had the main plate as well.

1. Cup of Salt Water (represents the life of pain, suffering and tears that the Israelites led in Egypt)
2. Roasted Egg - replaces the lamb shankbone and is eaten during the sedar meal. (symbol of mourning of the destruction of the second Temple)
3. Bitter Herbs (to remember how bitter the life was for the Israelites in the land of Egypt)
4. Horseradish Root (causes you to shed tears of compassion for the sorrow that "our ancestors" -yes, they're even our ancestors - knew)
5. Chopped Nuts & Apples - you dip your matzah in the horseradish and then in the apple mixture. (To remind ourselves that even the most bitter of circumstances can be sweetened by the hope we have in God.)
6. Lamb Shankbone -Since the Temple in Jerusalem no longer stands, lamb is not eaten at Passover. (represents the lamb whose blood marked the houses of the children of Israel/their obedience to Gods command.)
7. Parsley - dip the parsley in the salt water and then you eat it. (Passover is a springtime holiday, when the earth is beautiful and green with life. The parsley represents life created and sustained by God.)
The kids table.
Samuel washes his hands.
Who may go up the mountain of God?
Who can stand in his holy place?
Those with clean hands and pure hearts...
Psalm 24: 3,4
Joshua barters with Isaiah for the Afikoman (the middle piece of matzah -out of the three pieces- that was broken, wrapped in a cloth and hidden from the kids. After the meal the kids searched for the hidden Afikomen).
This is my body, which is being given for you:
do this in memory of me."
Luke 22:19
Hannah opens the door to welcome Elijah the Prophet to our seder. Hannah had a wardrobe change halfway through because her "best friend" spilled his juice on her dress.