Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Love Mr. Clark!!

This ...

arrived today.  My new purple camera.  My darling husband ordered it last week for me.  Isn't he the best?

Be prepared for tons of photos of my cutie pies!

Here's a photo I took just today (with my old camera.)  Hannah is such a diva sometimes!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Sweet Amos is two months old today!  I can't believe how fast time is flying by but I'm glad at the same time.  The whole newborn stage is hard and I always look forward to my babies eating solid food, laughing, and crawling. 

  • is a great sleeper and is already sleeping through the night.
  • still hates to be in his car seat.
  • smiles a lot in the morning and not so much in the evening...I am not a morning person but at least I get some cute smiles when I'm up "early" (7 & 8am is early to me!)
  • prefers his swing over the bouncer.
  • looks for Hannah & Samuel when he hears them talking.
  • prefers to be held facing out rather than towards you.  He likes to observe his surroundings.
  • is still the cutest baby ever...right along with Hannah & Samuel.

I hate that I don't have any recent pictures to post.  My camera got knocked off our kitchen table and is now broken.  I'm devastated.  It was an expensive gift from Mr. Clark for my birthday.  I'm going to send it back to the company but chances are I'll have to pay for the repair b/c it was my fault.  I've found my identical camera on sale for $70 so hopefully I can scrounge up some money to buy a new one, which will only be $10 more than the estimated cost for the repair.  Would you care to donate to my Camera Fund?  :-)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of "School"

WARNING:  Lots of pictures!

I just love homeschooling!  We started at 10:30am and were done by noon.  Now the kids are in their swimsuits outside, playing in the sprinkler.  I just know we're going to have a fun year!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

This & That

I took Hannah & Samuel for their annual check-ups this past week.
Hannah weighs 42 lbs.  Samuel weighs 38 lbs.
holy guacamole!  He's almost as big as Hannah!!
I have their heights written down as well but they're
in Grandma Rocket and I'm too lazy to walk outside in this heat.


I worked at Tots & Teens on Thursday & Friday.
By myself with the kids.
We survived.  The store survived.
Customers were served and Amos got fed.
Not sure if I remembered to feed Hannah & Sam but...
A few clothes even got tagged and put out on the floor.


I've read three books since Amos has been born.
I'm amazed & quite proud of myself.


What do evenings look like at your house?
At mine, Sammy is playing with Amos' toys.
Hannah or Samuel are climbing the door frames and then jumping down.
The constant thud of a child hitting the floor can become really annoying after a while.
Amos is crying because he's cranky in the evenings and does not want to be in the bouncer.
He wants to be held but it's impossible to hold a baby and make supper at the same time.
Mr. Clark and I attempt to have a conversation about our day 
but are interrupted by "Mama!  Look at this!"
But hey, as my doctor commented, we're just finding our new normal.
Our new normal is crazy, loud and good.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...