Thursday, March 26, 2015


Mr. Shiloh Jordan is three months old and has already changed and grown so much.

Our sporadic sleeper has finally settled into a good pattern.  He lays day around 8:00pm -8:30pm and normally wakes around 3:00am -3:30am.  He'll nurse and go back to sleep until around 7:00am - 7:30am.  Lately he's been shifting to 5 or 5:30 am and then waking again at 8 or 8:30am.  I like knowing when I lay down about what time he'll be waking instead of trying to guess about how much sleep I'll be getting.  Since he's settled down at night he's become a sporadic napper during the day.  Some days he may take a good three hour nap and then another smaller nap later on.  But normally he cat naps and isn't very consistent.  This is annoying when I'm trying to get school work done with the kids but good if we have errands to run since he doesn't need to be in his crib to sleep.

Shiloh is smiling more and more and is very happy first thing in the morning - just like Amos.  I get the best smiles at 7:30 in the morning.  He's laughed out loud twice.  And it's been a job to get him to laugh those two times.

I believe he & I will both be glad when he finally learns to sit unassisted.  He's constantly straining to sit straight up if I'm holding him in a reclining position.  I guess there's just so much going on that he doesn't want to miss anything.

He's moved out of 0-3 month clothes and into 3-6 month.  I can't believe how much he's grown in these three short months.  I was nursing him the other day and looking at how much he's filled out.  He's exciting and fun but sad all at the same time.  I look forward to the days when he's more independent but it'll be sad that he's not a little bitty baby too.

The kids still adore him and hold him every chance they get.  Now they join us in working to make him smile or laugh.  Even Amos will sit and talk to him if he's starting to get fussy.

Other milestones have included finding his hands and soothing himself to sleep w/o a pacifier.  He will suck on his fist with one hand and rub the back of his head with the other hand to comfort himself.  I really need to get a video of him doing it b/c it's just too cute!

There are a ridiculous amount of pictures, but when there's this much cuteness and everyone is willing to pose it's hard to not take pictures!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Upward is over until November.  It's very bittersweet.  I love that Sammy gets exercise, that he gets to participate in something he loves, that he makes new friends and most of all that he gets to spend extra time with Bobby (since he coaches Sammy's team.)  But we don't miss two trips down the mountain each week and half a Saturday spent at the games (since Bobby coached two teams.)  At least we're moving towards summer!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Snow 2015

We ended up with about 7 inches.  And sadly, most of it came down during the night.  It wasn't the best for sledding but it was most excellent for building snowmen.

Amos feeding the birds our leftover cornbread.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...