Monday, November 3, 2008

The Tale of Halloween...

This year Hannah wanted to be Spongebob for Halloween. I checked our local stores but did not find the much desired costume. So I turned to the Internet. But all of the costumes I found were either for adults or too pricey for our budget. I was talking to Emily about the trouble I was having and she said that she could make a Spongebob costume and it wouldn't be a problem at all. Boy was she right!! She is very talented and creative (as you can see from the pictures below.) In a little over two weeks she had it ready and Hannah was so excited. She wanted to wear it every day! At first we were planning on Samuel being Plankton but after all of the work Emily put into Spongebob we decided to recycle Hannah's Dalmatian costume.
We always go Trunk or Treatin' at Wal-Mart. Hannah was the only Spongebob and everyone -adults and kids- were constantly pointing at her in awe. One lady even gave her a "prize" for having the best costume!!
Hannah actually understood Halloween this year so she was very excited about her costume and getting candy. She would walk up to the cars and just stare at the people and wait for her candy. It was too cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That *is* a great Sponge-Bob costume! Guess we know what Samuel will be a few Halloweens from now ;)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...