Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Talking Forward

Tonight I gave the kids yogurt for dessert after supper. Here's a conversation that transpired with Hannah about yogurt for dessert:

Hannah: "Yogurt is not a dessert, it's a snack."
Me: "Normally yes but tonight you are eating it for dessert."
Hannah: "It's not a dessert! It's a snack!"
Me: "Don't talk back."
Hannah: "Don't talk forward."

I have absolutely know idea where she got this! But it was hilarious though and I laughed so hard which made her laugh too. She's such a comedian!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Samuel's Birthday Party

The theme for Samuel's party was Barnyard so I made Piggy cupcakes - which Sam obviously enjoyed. His birthday was Friday but we had his party Saturday. Our families, our neighbors and Jenny & Mattie came to help us celebrate. Mattie is such a sweetie and it was nice having a baby around that is close to Sam's age. He got lots of books, snacks, money and a stuffed cow and he's enjoyed each and every present! Some of the pictures are a little blurry but Sammy's cuteness still shines though! The last two pics are of him in the bath - it took me forever to get all that cupcake off of him!! Enjoy!

Samuel is 1!!!

Boy time sure does fly by! It seems like just yesterday Samuel was born! We've spent the last year marveling at how fast he's grown and celebrating all of his achievements. He's learned to smile, coo, sit by himself, talk, crawl, walk and wave all before his first birthday.

Here are a few of the words that Sammy can say:
Nana (for Hannah)
MayDay & kitty
duck & quack
cow & moo
boon (for balloon)

He's been walking for several days now. He will still crawl if it's a long distance but he's getting braver every day. He can also stand up without pulling up on anything. He's also very close to being completely potty trained. He will make the sign for potty when he needs to go or he will crawl towards the bathroom if you ask him if he needs to potty. What a big boy!!

Here a some pictures of past & present:

There were so many pictures that I wanted to put on here but I had to settle for a few of my favorites!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lindsay Tagged Me...

The rules: link to the person who tagged you, post the rules on your blog, write six random things about yourself, tag six people at the end of your post and link to them and then let each person know they've been tagged.

1. I was (maybe I still am) the youngest kid in Oconee County to have a kidney stone. I was in
first grade when I experienced my kidney stone and I had to stay in the hospital for a week.

2. I have lived at 140 Baumgarner Drive all of my life (with the exception of my first year). We
lived in a trailer first and then my dad built our house behind the trailer. I've lived in the
house we have now for sixteen years. I lived here with my parents until Bobby & I got
married and my dad gave us this house as a wedding present.

3. It's funny that Lindsay mentioned that she has a half brother because I do too. There hasn't
been a paternity test to make it official but we're pretty sure. I don't know if he knows about
us but we know about him. So, needless to say, we've never met him. And I didn't find all of
this out until I was 8 months pregnant with Samuel. You just don't spring something like
that on an emotional pregnant lady!!

4. I am allergic to raspberries. It's not an extreme reaction - I don't stop breathing or
anything. I just get all splotchy and swell up (especially my lips. I look like Julia Roberts
when I eat raspberries!)

5. Let's see. Maybe I'll do the last two about Bobby...
Bobby had a baby sister that died at birth. This was after David and before Tommy. Her
name was Sara Elizabeth (and that's why Hannah's middle name is Elizabeth :-)

6. I don't know if many of you know the story of our engagement so I'll tell you how Bobby
made it special. Bobby asked me to be his girlfriend (that's what we called it then :) at the
Ramada Inn in Clemson at a dance. When he proposed he took me back to the ballroom
(and almost to the exact same spot we were standing when we started dating)
and asked me to be his wife. It was so romantic!!

I don't have six people but here are the ones I do have...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

For Dave & Karen

The whole point of this video was to thank you for Hannah's Christmas gift and to let you know that she's excited about going to the "Jungle" in April. But Samuel was really curious about the camera and apparently Hannah thought I was talking to you on the this video is a little crazy!! Samuel doesn't wave good-bye, he snaps. So at the end he's snapping bye!

Trampoline Fun

Static electric hair and camel nose.Samuel loves playing on the trampoline with Hannah.
Bouncing's what Tigger's do best!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Princess Night

Every Thursday Chick-fil-A has a family night and we've been to almost all of them. Tonight it was Prince & Princess Night. "Come dressed in your finest and have your picture made with the fancy cows!" Hannah was so excited and could not wait to go! Bobby & Samuel stayed home because Bobby said that tonight's festivities sounded too girly. So we took my mom with us instead. Here are some pics from our girly Princess night...

My sister bought Hannah this dress for Christmas. It's just too stinking cute...

Making her tiara.

Princess Hannah

Katie paints Hannah's fingernails. We've been to so many Family Nights that Katie knows us by name.

Hannah and the Fancy Princess Cow. She did not want her picture with the Fancy Prince Cow.

Birthday Fun at Ryan's

As many of you know Hannah, Samuel and I go out to eat with my parents every Friday. And we always go to Ryan's (I don't think they realize that there are other restaurants in Seneca!) Anyway, we went to Ryan's the day after Hannah's birthday. The waitresses all know us by name and they love Hannah & Samuel. So they brought Hannah a piece of cake and sang their birthday song for her. Hannah thought they were too loud and wanted them to stop singing. She did enjoy the cake though. Samuel on the other hand, loved it when they sang and was laughing!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Hannah!

It's hard to believe that Hannah is already three years old! When did she get so tall and so wonderfully verbal? She gets more beautiful every day and her vocabulary expands at just about the same rate. She loves to read and knows several of her books by heart. She's a wonderful helper with Sammy - just yesterday she was holding his hands and helping him walk across the living room. She loves animals and she's very affectionate with Oscar and our neighbors' dogs. She wanted to buy MayDay two cats for Christmas from Pet Smart.
She can recite the entire alphabet and recognize the majority of the letters. She can even write an 'O' and a 'M'. She can also count to 20 and only skips to or three of the numbers. She's going to be a genius just like her Daddy :)

Anyway, we celebrated today with a party for our sweet baby. A lot of our friends and family came to join in the festivites. It was so much fun and Hannah had a blast! Here are some pictures of all the excitement....

The Birthday Girl being un-ladylike under the table.

We bought bubbles to give out as party favors (to the three kids that came :)

June, that works with Bobby, made these cakes for Hannah. I can't believe how awesome they look - and they tasted so good! Thank you June for the beautiful cakes!!!

This was the cake for everyone and....

this was Hannah's personal cake.

Our crazy family....

This isn't even half of what she received.

Sammy & Papa cuddling.

Sammy & Lily play with the pianos.


The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...