Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Talking Forward

Tonight I gave the kids yogurt for dessert after supper. Here's a conversation that transpired with Hannah about yogurt for dessert:

Hannah: "Yogurt is not a dessert, it's a snack."
Me: "Normally yes but tonight you are eating it for dessert."
Hannah: "It's not a dessert! It's a snack!"
Me: "Don't talk back."
Hannah: "Don't talk forward."

I have absolutely know idea where she got this! But it was hilarious though and I laughed so hard which made her laugh too. She's such a comedian!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so funny! i'm interested to see what kinds of things will come out of mattie's are you supposed to discipline them when they say funny stuff like that???

my college roommate's daughter said a funny too--
thought you'd get a kick out of it.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...