Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Chick of a Different Sort

Yesterday was my twenty week ultra-sound.  We got to see our sweet little chick growing and squirming.  Squirming is an understatement - Bobby was able to feel kicks on August 2nd.  

Bobby was able to tell the kids that they're getting a BROTHER.  They were all excited.  We're all excited.  Shocked for sure.  Hannah & I did want another girl so, truthfully, we were disappointed.  But I initially wanted a girl with Sam and then Amos.  Now I look at them and can't imagine my life without those little boys.  Hannah and I agreed we feel the same way about this little fellow.

He was so squirmy that the ultra-sound tech was having to "chase" him to check everything she needed  to and then he kept putting his hands around his face so we didn't get a good profile picture.  Otherwise he's growing & developing right on schedule and everything looks healthy.

We left the doctor office and headed to Walmart to pick up a few odds & ends that we needed.  Of course we ended up in the baby section looking at blankets and clothes.  I don't need a lot since we've got most of Amos' things but I feel like all babies should have some new things bought especially for them.  We picked out things we wanted to add to our registry and wrote them down (since you can't scan stuff in-store to add to your registry, how lame is that!)  We're getting ready!!  I'll let you know as soon as we're definitely decided on a name.  We have one in mind but were more sure about the girl name than the boy one.  

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...