Thursday, September 4, 2008

For Bobby

Bobby & Samuel on the day Sam was born.
I just have to write and tell everyone what a wonderful husband and father Bobby is!!
Recently Bobby has been working so hard to hook up the washer and dryer that we got for free. He's done the wiring, plumbing and all that other stuff by himself! He's also been working on repairing our driveway - which seems like an uphill battle. Not to mention the other crafty things he's accomplished around the house. He's put down new flooring in our bathroom and in our kitchen. And Hannah is so proud of the well house that he built without so much as a blueprint. He does all this in the evening after he gets home from his job at "Clemson Enbira-mental Health & Safety" (according to Hannah). He's been an excellent provider and I know that he works extra hard so that I'll be able to stay home with Hannah & Samuel. I don't know if I've ever thanked him for working so hard for us but I most definitely am thankful.
Don't even get me started about how much the kids love him. Hannah just about tears the front door down every evening when Bobby pulls into the driveway. She waits on the porch and starts talking the minute he gets within earshot. I love to hear her laughing when they're playing together...her favorite game consists of Bobby tossing her onto the bed and making her bounce. As for Samuel, he will just about jump out of my arms the minute he lays eyes on his Daddy. No one can make him smile or laugh the way Bobby can.
We've been married for 7 years and I can honestly say that Bobby has been the best husband, friend and father that I could ever want. He's unbelievably intelligent, compassionate, romantic, funny...there aren't enough adjectives to describe him.

We love you so much and we're so grateful for all that you do for us. You make our house a home and we couldn't imagine our home without you. We're so blessed to have you as our husband/Daddy. I thank God that He brought us together and blessed us with our two beautiful children. The past 7 years have been so fun and wonderful and I know that the next 7 will be even better!!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...