Saturday, June 12, 2010

So Long Curls

Thursday Bobby took Samuel to get his hair cut.  My sweet little buddy went to a barber shop (instead of a salon...) and sat there like a big boy while his curls were cut off.  

I'd been saying for weeks that Sammy needed a hair cut.  His hair was so unruly and never looked combed no matter what I did.   And I figured it would be cooler as the temperatures rise.  But when Bobby came to pick up him yesterday I didn't want him to go!  Bobby took him anyway.

As Hannah & I drove home alone she suddenly lamented, "Mommy I'm sad.  (Why?  What's wrong?)  Sammy's going to get his hair cut and I just don't want him to."  I'm thinking, 'Me too Hannah.  Me too.'

When Samuel arrived home I was pleasantly surprised.  Even though I honestly felt like crying at the loss of those white little curls (I know! I know!  It's just hair but still...), my little guy looked grown up and cute.  He likes it too and I guess that's the most important thing.  

He marched right up to Hannah and said, "Hair cut Hannah."  while rubbing his hair.
Hannah looked at him and said, "It looks cool Sam."


{Sporting his new style} 


The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...