Thursday, March 4, 2010

Global Warming...Seriously?

Monday evening Hannah begged me to let her spend the night with her Granny Jordan. My mom is recovering from pneumonia and so the kids hadn't seen her in over a week. My mom agreed so we packed their bags and took them over to my parents house. We knew that there was a possibility of snow but I didn't really think we would get any so I wasn't worried.

I woke up around 6am Tuesday morning and saw our yard lightly dusted with snow. I figured it would stop snowing shortly (like it usually does any time we get snow) and returned to bed. I woke up again at 7:45am when the phone rang - it was Hannah calling to inform me that it was snowing and she wanted to come home so we could play in it. The roads were crazy because no one had been driving on them and of course they hadn't been scraped yet. So I drove s-l-o-w-l-y to my parents house and picked up the kids. They were so excited and dying to get our and play in the snow.

It turned out to be an amazing day. Bobby used a vacation day and stayed home with us, to the delight of Hannah and Samuel. It snowed until 4pm straight without stopping - and it was so beautiful! The kids took a long nap and while they were napping I took a quick run. It was hard though because it was so cold, the roads were a mixture of slush & ice and I was constantly inhaling snowflakes! When I returned home Bobby left to go running so I curled up on the couch with a warm blanket, a hot cup of coffee (or cream & sugar with a little coffee added in) and 'Anna Karenina.' I'd say March is off to a great start!

I love snow and always will...

Be prepared. There are a lot of pictures. We spent an entire day playing in the snow and I took pictures of everything.

Gorgeous snow.

Snowball fight. Snowball tasting.
How big of a snowball do you need Hannah?

Here, taste this.

Hannah eating a snowball.

Poor Oscar. Sammy threw a snowball at him :-)

The making of a Snowman ...
Hannah also wanted to make snow angels but popped right back up after she lay down. "It's too cold Mama!"

Sledding... in our neighbors pasture.
Hannah wasn't too excited about sledding but after a couple of times down she loved it.

I nicknamed the hill we used for sledding Cypress Mountain (think Vancouver Olympics).

I went down "Mt. Cypress" with Sammy. He immediately jumped up and yelled, "Again Mom-may!"

Sammy impatiently waiting for another turn.

He's already laughing!!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...