Monday, July 6, 2009

Swimming & Grilling

We had an absolute blast on the 4th. It was nice that Bobby didn't have to work and we were both fairly caught up on all of our "chores". The kids and I let Bobby sleep as late as we possibly could. While he was catching up on his beauty sleep we got everything packed so we could go swimming at OSP. After a quick breakfast we headed out. The line of traffic on Hwy 28 was crazy ridiculous because everyone was headed to Hillbilly Day. No one was going up Hwy 107 towards the park which was very encouraging - the more people at Hillbilly Day meant less people at the park swimming.

My parents met us at the park. It was so fun just relaxing and watching the kids playing. Plus my Mom kept the kids occupied for a little while so Bobby & I could actually swim (you know water that comes up higher than my knees). We also ate lunch there but after lunch it started getting crowded. The Hillbilly Day crowd must have become overheated and needed to swim to cool off. My parents left right after lunch but we stayed and played for a little longer. But all good things must come to an end. The kids needed a nap so we packed everything up and headed home.

Mama keeping the kids occupied.

Those swim trunks NEVER got wet!

Bobby & the cuties playing in the sand.

Sweet little buddy.

After naps we again loaded up but this time we headed to my parents house. They were grilling out and everyone was invited. Bob, Tommy, Emily, Joan, Bonnie and Tim were there as well. I love when we have a huge get-together! It's always loud and so much fun. After some drama with the grill, supper was finally ready. And it was well worth the wait. Everything was so delicious! And we had a juicy watermelon for dessert. About 8 o'clock we decided to go ahead and do fireworks because it was almost the kids bed time. Samuel loved the fire works and didn't flinch at all. Hannah, on the other hand, was scared and wanted to go inside. She finally came out when Bobby, Bob, Tommy & I shot the Roman Candles. That was her favorite because, "they didn't hurt my ears and they were pretty." Crazy child.

I'm just so glad that we were able to spend the day with our families. Swimming, good food, good fellowship and fire works. What more could you want?

Samuel watching with interest as Bobby cuts the watermelon.

Mama, Joan and the kids just relaxing.

"And what do I do with this again?"

Pops & Sammy playing in the yard.

Mama & Sammy watching the fireworks.

Just a funny story before I sign off... Last night I was giving the kids their bath when I noticed Sam has a faint tan line. His little booty is white and his back is slightly tan. And I do mean slightly. I said, "Sammy! You could be the new Coppertone Baby!!" Hannah spent the rest of the bath calling Sammy the "Coppercone Baby Head!!" She is such a hoot!!!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...