Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lindsay Tagged Me...

The rules: link to the person who tagged you, post the rules on your blog, write six random things about yourself, tag six people at the end of your post and link to them and then let each person know they've been tagged.

1. I was (maybe I still am) the youngest kid in Oconee County to have a kidney stone. I was in
first grade when I experienced my kidney stone and I had to stay in the hospital for a week.

2. I have lived at 140 Baumgarner Drive all of my life (with the exception of my first year). We
lived in a trailer first and then my dad built our house behind the trailer. I've lived in the
house we have now for sixteen years. I lived here with my parents until Bobby & I got
married and my dad gave us this house as a wedding present.

3. It's funny that Lindsay mentioned that she has a half brother because I do too. There hasn't
been a paternity test to make it official but we're pretty sure. I don't know if he knows about
us but we know about him. So, needless to say, we've never met him. And I didn't find all of
this out until I was 8 months pregnant with Samuel. You just don't spring something like
that on an emotional pregnant lady!!

4. I am allergic to raspberries. It's not an extreme reaction - I don't stop breathing or
anything. I just get all splotchy and swell up (especially my lips. I look like Julia Roberts
when I eat raspberries!)

5. Let's see. Maybe I'll do the last two about Bobby...
Bobby had a baby sister that died at birth. This was after David and before Tommy. Her
name was Sara Elizabeth (and that's why Hannah's middle name is Elizabeth :-)

6. I don't know if many of you know the story of our engagement so I'll tell you how Bobby
made it special. Bobby asked me to be his girlfriend (that's what we called it then :) at the
Ramada Inn in Clemson at a dance. When he proposed he took me back to the ballroom
(and almost to the exact same spot we were standing when we started dating)
and asked me to be his wife. It was so romantic!!

I don't have six people but here are the ones I do have...

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...