Monday, January 16, 2017

Hannah @ 11

Favorite Food:  Rice, Fried rice, sushi - basically rice in any form
Favorite Drink:  Dr. Pepper

Favorite Color:  Aqua
Favorite Movie:  the new Beauty and the Beast

Favorite tv show:  Spongebob Squarepants
Favorite book:  the Whatever After series

Favorite Song:  Testify
Favorite Game:  Disney Infinity for the WiiU

Favorite sport:  none
Favorite person:  Shiloh
Favorite hobby:  Reading, knitting, and playing with friends

My sweet girl is growing up so fast.  She's so incredibly smart and witty.  She's so helpful, especially with the boys.  She has the sweetest smile and is so kind hearted that I often think that she's a kinder person than me and that I can learn from her.  Not to mention she's the spitting image of her Daddy 💕

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Shiloh @ Two

Favorite Food:  Rice.  And black eyed peas.
Favorite Drink:  Applejuice

Shiloh only a week old.

Favorite color:  Yellow (because it's the only color he can identify so far)
Favorite movie:  Scooby Doo

Shiloh about 6 months old.

Favorite tv show:  Scooby Doo
Favorite book:  Go!  Dogs Go! ...  Eat Cried Little Pig! ... and his Jungle Book

Shiloh one year old.

Favorite song:  Shine the Light
Favorite game:  "Where'd it go?"
Shiloh two years old.

Favorite sport:  Kicking his little rubber ball and jumping on the trampoline.
Favorite person:  Mama, Daddy, Hannah, Amos, Sammy, Papa and Ms. Fran.  In that order.  
                              And maybe Naomi - the cute little girl in his Sunday School class.
Favorite hobby:  Getting into everything!  And I mean everything!!

Bobby is clearly more excited about the Kylo Ren light saber than Shiloh!

The birthday boy gets the extra icing for the birthday cake.

Happy 2nd birthday Shiloh Ren!!!

Not to be forgotten:  
I want to always remember how clearly and how much he talks.  He can communicate so well and my favorite phrase is (as he's pushing on your leg), "I hold you!"  

His love of his snuggle bunny who goes everywhere with him.  

How he has to have 2 to 4 blankets on his bed when he goes to sleep (and how I go back in after he's asleep and remove 3 of them.)  

How he goes straight for the baby dolls on Wednesday night at Awana.  He covers them up, feeds them, then doesn't play with them again until the next week.

How snuggly and loving he is, especially to Hannah and Amos.

Monday, January 9, 2017


Clearly I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to updating this blog.  Every minute of my day is generally filled to overflowing with cooking, cleaning, teaching, going, parenting that there's rarely enough time to type a post that makes sense.  My extra free minutes are selfishly spent on reading and catching up on Netflix.  But not today!!  Today is the day that I get up to date!!

So I'm cramming in the end of 2016 with a bulleted list...
and be ready for a myriad of pictures.

November 2016:

  • The kids and I went to the ASU Museum for the Mr. Rogers Invention exhibit and had a blast! 
  • We went home for Thanksgiving and was able to spend much needed time with our SC family & friends.
  • The kids and I visited our favorite playground at Craighead Park where we fed the ducks and enjoyed the last of the warm weather.
  • Bobby put the toddler bed together for Shiloh much to my dismay...

December 2016:
  • We chose to stay home for Christmas break rather than make another trip back to SC.  While it was sad not to see our family & friends there, we did have a nice relaxing break.
  • Hannah & I went on a Tuesday evening to see Rogue One - before the boys!!  Then the next evening Bobby took Sammy & Amos to see it.  They went to a later showing and Amos was exhausted and ready for bed by the time they got home.
  • We bought Sammy a bike for his birthday (in January) but gave it to him early so Bobby could help him learn to ride while he was on break.  It took him all of one day to learn.
  • Shiloh fell in our driveway and completely scraped his forehead and nose.  He was tough though and quickly bounced back.
  • He also learned to take pictures with our iPads.
  • Cold weather FINALLY arrived!!!!!
  • Sammy plays basketball for the homeschool team and they've already had several games.  They've only lost four so far.  In one game, he accidentally got busted in the mouth and I accidentally caught it on camera.  He stopped and cried for a minute but we kept yelling for him to keep going to he got himself together and kept playing.
  • Ronald and Mariah came over for supper and brought a gingerbread village that we had so much fun decorating!
  • Shiloh turned 2 but I'm leaving that because it deserves a separate post.

It was 27* but he was determined to learn.

 Shiloh got a close up of his snuggle bunny.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...