Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mud Run

This past Saturday Bobby and three guys from our church participated in the Collins Home Mud Run.  One of the kids on Sammy's Upward team lives at the Collins Home so we were definitely interested in helping raise money for such a wonderful cause.  Plus we know Joe & Anne Rackley, the founders of the Collins Home.

It poured rain all day Friday before the day of the race.  Lovely.  The morning of the race dawned bright and chilly.  Extra lovely.  Thankfully Bobby's team didn't start until nearly noon so it had warmed up a bit weather wise (or spectator wise) but unfortunately the mud hadn't warmed up much.

This was a crazy course filled with nearly 40 obstacles.  One of Bobby's teammates was 12 y/o Nathan, who has a slight fear of heights.  But he never whined or complained once.  Several of those obstacles were high (like the 9 foot wall and the cargo climb.)  I'm so proud of these guys!! 

The kids even participated in the Kids Run which included 20 obstacles.  They loved each and every one of them.  Their first time through they barely got muddy.  I guess all of those years of yelling at them to not get in the mud (don't get dirty!) paid off.  Once I convinced them that I had brought towels and extra clothes for them they went right back out and actually rolled in some of the puddles!

I had so much fun just watching everyone.  The wives, grandparents, and several other ladies from church sat together and chatted while we waited for the guys to finish.  We cheered for the other teams as they finished and just had a good time enjoying some fun fellowship together.

I love looking at these pictures!
--Nate F, Bobby, Scott M and Nathan M--
 The guys patiently wait for their turn to begin.
 Almost time...
 The guys lay down and get ready to start.

 Bobby is first to get up the nine foot wall.
 And he helps pull Nathan up.  Many of the obstacles required teamwork.
 After the nine foot wall we couldn't see the guys anymore so the kids began their run.
 I took pics of all of the obstacles but I'm only going to post a few.

 This was the puddle they ended up rolling in!
 Sammy's favorite obstacle was the mini cargo climb.
 The kids after their first time through...
 The kids after their 11th time through.
 Bobby & Nate approach the cargo climb.

 The team finishes together.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Amos @ 9 Months

At nine months Amos --
  • Sits unassisted
  • No longer hates tummy time because...
  • he gets on his hands and knees and rocks back & forth.
  • Nurses four times a day.
  • Loves baby food, especially sweet potatoes, corn casserole and bananas.  
  • Is really hesitant to eat table food but loves Texas Toast and cheese quesadillas.
  • Covers his face with his snuggle blanket when he goes to sleep.
  • Says "Da Da" all the time and "cat", "na na" and "bye bye" randomly.
  • Has two front teeth on the bottom.
  • Loves our cats, his books and anything that rattles.
  • Is super snugly and so incredibly happy!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Miniature Greenhouses

Science the past few weeks has consisted of gardening - soil, seeds, watering, etc.  The kids have been working with Bobby, getting our garden ready for the summer.  It's nice that our every day household chores count as school work!   We have also worked on making mini greenhouses out of clean chicken rotisserie containers (I got ours from Ingles.)

It's a pretty easy, self explanatory process so I'll just leave you with the pictures I took.  


Sunday, April 7, 2013


I'll just quickly tell you about our trip to visit Bobby's brother and his family.

Not long after we returned from Florida, we packed again and headed to North Carolina.  David and the twins have March birthdays (within a week of each other) and we wanted to help them celebrate.  Catherine and Samantha are two years old!  Wow!  Where has the time gone?  I hate that we don't visit with them more often.

We all had so much fun playing with them and seeing how much they've learned and developed over the past year.  Our first night there we just had a quiet dinner at home.  The next day we went to the Science Museum and then out to eat that evening.  Outings with five children was loud and crazy and fun!

We dragged our feet about leaving that final day.  It was hard saying goodbye when we had such a brief visit and we know it will be a while before you see them again.

 Really Dave? 

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...