Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Not So Wordless Wednesday

Last week we received a box of fowl from the Cackle Hatchery in Tennessee.  It arrived last Wednesday at our local post office.  We bought 2 geese, 2 ducks, 2 turkeys and 20 chicks.  We ended up with an extra turkey and 2 extra chicks.

The night before they arrived Bobby set up their boxes with pine chips, water bottles and heat lamps.  We immediately put the ducks and geese in one box and then separated the chicks/turkeys between the other two boxes.  I made the kids wait until late in the afternoon to hold them so they could settle down after their two day trip.  They were so cold & scared that they chirped loudly all day.  Even Hannah, the animal lover, remarked that she wished they would get quiet.

On Thursday we noticed one of the turkeys looked sick.  We worked nearly all day caring for it but it still died.  Hannah & I were so upset.  It was so small and cute.  I felt bad that it was so sick and we couldn't help it.

Hannah loves to hold all of them, Sammy was nervous but now enjoys holding the chicks, and Amos likes to look at & pet them but does not want to old any of them.  Yesterday one of our goslings walked up to Amos and he started yelling, "Not me!!  Not me!!" (his new favorite phrase).  He ran away but the gosling just kept waddling along behind him.  I wish I had gotten a video because it was hilarious!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

This past Saturday Bobby once again participated in the Collins Home Mud Run.  It's for such a good cause and it's just so much fun!  I love seeing how many people/teams come to support the Collins Home - a place for children to go when their parents can't care for them.  Last year Sammy had a little guy on his Upward team who lived at Collins Home.  His parents would come to the games and spend time with him.  He was temporarily living at CH until his parents were able to get jobs and get on their feet.

Bobby had a team this year who was a little more athletic and competitive than his teammates last time ;-)  They actually finished in an hour & a half (I think).  And of course the kids did the Kids Mud Run.  Thankfully it was much warmer this year and hadn't rained the entire week before the run.  The guys/gal didn't look nearly as muddy as they did last year.  Hannah & Sammy on the other hand...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

So Long, Farewell

So, the transmission was starting to act up in Grandma Rocket (the Honda Odyssey van).  Every once in a while when driving it would rev and then jump into the next gear.  It wasn't doing it a lot but Bobby decided to take it to the Honda dealership for them to check it.  

It definitely needed a new transmission which would cost roughly $5000 since they don't put in used or rebuilt transmissions.  So Mr. Clark looked around to see how much it would cost to have one rebuilt. It would still be several thousand dollars.

Let me interject here and explain that Bobby had already been talking about getting a newer van next year with income tax.  He had been researching which would be the best one for our family with the best price value. 

So anyway, April 10th Bobby takes Grandma Rocket to the dealership at 9am.  That evening I needed to be at our church by 4:30 to help get ready for an adoption party for one of our sisters.  Bobby called and told me about the cost for transmission, said he wasn't going back to work but was going to look around about rebuilding it.  Okay.  I reminded him about my 4:30 appointment.

At 4 o'clock he calls me and says he's about 30 minutes from the house but was "hurrying."  I was so mad.  Ticked.

About thirty minutes later we hear a car pull into the driveway and of course the kids run to the door.  It's not Daddy.  Who drives a white van?  Is that Daddy driving that van?  Did he get a new car!?  The kids were so excited to get outside that they were yelling and tripping over each other to get their shoes on.  Needless to say I forgave him on the spot.

There was no point paying for a transmission when we were planning to get a newer car next year anyway.  Bobby had spent the day at the dealership test driving and filling out paper work for our new van - a 2013 Chrysler Town & Country.  Hannah was disappointed at first, not wanting a new van because she loved Grandma Rocket.  But she was sold when she saw that it has a DVD player.  My favorite part is the back up camera because, truth be told, I'm not the best "backer-upper" in the world.  We're enjoying stow & go seating, a trunk that opens with the touch of a button and burning cd's to the hard drive (why do I have so many cds?!  But on the up side - I won't have all those cd's in the van anymore...)

We are blessed.  And I am beyond blessed with a wonderful husband who provides for us.  So long dear Grandma Rocket and welcome...  well, the kids can't agree on a name for the new van.  Sammy says Great Grandma Rocket but Hannah & I vetoed that.  Hannah says Snowball but Sam & I definitely don't  like that one.  We'll decided soon I'm sure.

--I'm still adjusting to this crazy key!--

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


...for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."                      -Romans 10:13

We don't celebrate Easter.  We don't dye eggs and do the whole Easter bunny thing. 

 We do, however, celebrate Passover using our "Messianic Haggadah." The kids love this so much more than anything we ever did for Easter.  It definitely helps them to understand why Jesus is the sacrificed Lamb.  

 So it happened that this past week we celebrated Passover and then spent the next few evenings watching the Bible television series - just the episodes about Jesus.  Saturday night we ended with the episode of Jesus' betrayal, trial, crucifixion and resurrection.  It's not quite as graphic as the Passion movie but it was still very intense.  Sammy was engrossed the whole time.  

Sunday morning we went to fellowship with our brothers & sisters at Bounty Land.  Scott taught about Judas -his pride and unrepentant heart.  Regret isn't the same as repentance.  While Scott was talking I started praying that the Lord would open Sam's ears to hear His Word and help his little heart to understand.  I did not think it would happen within thirty minutes!

When we stood up to sing and let people respond - Sam just came and stood beside me.  After we finished singing, Scott stood and said he wanted to sing through the song just one more time.  We had just started singing when Sammy turned to me and said, "Can I go up and talk to Scott?  I want to get baptized."  

So we went up and he talked with Scott for a minute.  Then my sweet little Sammy prayed, calling on the name of the Lord.  He confessed that he's a sinner and asked the Lord to forgive him and save him.  My heart was full to overflowing, and I still cry when I think about that moment!  His next question was, "When can I get baptized?"  There really is "no greater joy" than to hear that my children walk in Truth.

I don't care if you get saved at a concert, at an institutional church, in a house church or in your back yard.  When you call on the Lord and give your life to Him - it's so wonderful and beautiful.  Sammy told me he felt different.  And he is different.  He listens better, offers to help without being asked, is kinder to his sister.  He's just all around different.  And it's not because we nagged or disciplined him to do these things.  It's from a life that has been changed by his Heavenly Father.  He knows that becoming a Christian doesn't make your perfect - he said himself that even Christians still sin.  But he knows now that he has a Savior that will help him when those temptations come along.

So, dear friends, next week Samuel will be getting baptized.  And he's counting down the days!!

--Sammy running his first 5K--
--My two cuties in their matching suits.--
 --And to end the day, he lost his second tooth!  He declared it to be a perfect day.--
(forgive the gross bloody picture...he was too excited to stay still for a decent picture.)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yesterday my dear Mr. Clark turned thirty-seven.  I can't believe how time flies - we've been together for seventeen years and married for nearly thirteen!

Hannah & Sam excitedly made Bobby his favorite German Chocolate Cake.  They picked out the huge number candles and a new wallet, which he needed desperately.  Hannah made him a card and a new rubber band bracelet (ah, the rubber band bracelet phase...will it ever end?!)

I cooked his favorite meal and his Dad joined us for supper.  We stuffed ourselves on Italian Chicken Bake and then on cake & ice cream.  

Amos learned to say 'Happy Birthday' without any help.  He loved all the excitement.  I wish I had more pictures but I just didn't take a lot.  

Today we've made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing (his second favorite) to take to AWANA tonight.  The kids love him so much and  I thought it would be fun for them to sing to him and have the cupcakes for a snack.  

I love week long birthday celebrations!

 I love, love, LOVE Hannah's eyes in this picture.  And Amos' cute little grin.
 He gets more handsome every year...
 Clearly Amos is excited!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...