Sunday, January 25, 2015


Shiloh Jordan is now one month old -as of yesterday.
He celebrated his one month birthday by celebrating his big brother's 7th birthday.
Shiloh is so laid back and just goes with the flow.  The Lord must have known we needed a laid back baby this time!  He is excellent at nursing and even better at sleeping at night so we're not sleep deprived zombies attempting to care for four kids.  He will usually sleep one 4 hour chunk and then wake every two to three hours afterwards.
He's started being awake more during the day, especially for an hour or two after he wakes up in the morning.  He's always so alert and will turn towards the kids or us when he hears our voices.  He'll stick his little tongue out and attempt to making cooing noises.  Bobby & the kids swear he's smiled a few times but I haven't seen it so we're not counting it until he smiles at me :-)
Shiloh is in serious danger of being spoiled.  There are times when I leave him in his swing/bouncer or on the bed to "cry it out" while I finish a few chores.  I know he's dry and fed & just demanding attention.  I try to hold him as much as possible but it's limited when you've got three other kids and a house to care for.  So anyway, every time I leave him Hannah or Samuel will swoop in and pick him up.  Hannah is the best at sitting in the recliner and snuggling him up so that he dozes off.  Or else I'll turn and find Amos attempting to give him his pacifier.  He's got three amazing older siblings who adore him and love him to pieces!!  Lucky little fellow.

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...