Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School @ Home 2013-2014

The Clark School of Creativity if officially back in session.  We're always learning but for a few months each year we settle down to a home school curriculum and do the legal part of our learning.  You know, the part where I document daily the work the kids have done and twice during the school year present samples of said work to our accountability group. 

Samuel was so excited to start first grade this year.  He has been asking me daily for about three weeks if it's time for him to start yet.   Samuel will be doing My Father's World First grade work.  He'll learn phonic rules, basic addition & subtraction, as well as reading condensed Bible stories on his own.  Science will consist of a lot of outdoor exploration (think Charlotte Mason) with a few experiments here and there. 
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Hannah has been excited too, but thankfully she hasn't asked on a daily basis to start school.  Now that we've started she hovers around while Sammy is working, waiting for her turn.  Miss. Hannah will be doing My Father's World Adventures in U.S. History (2nd grade.)  Obviously she'll be learning about American history and she'll finish her math workbook from last year.  We'll be adding an in-depth look at Science and beginning Spelling by Sound & Structure.  Hannah is an excellent at reading but terrible at spelling.  She learned to read by phonics so she spells everything phonetically. It makes for some interesting reads that's for sure!
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I'll be sharing more of what we're doing - work, field trips, experiments, etc -so keep checking back!

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...