Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's the 23rd. You know what that means...

Sammy is 8 months old today! We "celebrated" by going to Oconee State Park with my mom. We had a picnic, played on the playground and walked around the campground. Hannah brought Lulu and pushed her around in her little stroller. Check back this weekend for pictures from the park (I have to wait until Bobby brings Lappy home from work:) We ended the evening by eating supper with Jessie. It was great to spend time with her because we don't get to see her very often.

Samuel's accomplishments to date are...
  • Obviously sitting unsupported
  • He is on his way to being "potty trained"
  • He has 3 teeth (two bottom front teeth and one upper eye tooth)
  • He can crawl!!
  • He's pulling up and we will often find him standing up in his crib
  • He can say "Da Da" and "Ma Ma"
  • He's starting to imitate sounds...like blowing raspberries
  • He's eating solid foods and loves table food...he's also drinking water with his meals.
  • Last of all: simply being absolutely adorable and loved by all of us :)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...