Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween '11

Halloween this year was spent with Darth Vader and Princess Peach from Mario.  Hannah really wanted to be Smurfette but even though Mr. Clark searched every possible store, we couldn't find one in her size (and the costumes online were way too expensive.) 

We went to Trunk or Treat at Wal Mart, the local library, my Granny James' house, the Walhalla Depot and then finished at Rob & Cindy Lou's.  Let me just say that I will be heading to the depot every year now, they gave both kids two big hand fulls of the good candy (Milky Way's, Kit Kats, Twix, etc.)  
Once at the Padgett's, Hannah seated herself on the top porch step with Olivia so they could hand out candy.  I think she would have rather done that than go Trick or Treating herself!

What is up with Hannah's facial expressions lately?!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sphinx Run Fest '11

This year my darling Mr. Clark only ran the half marathon at the Sphinx Run Fest.  I say only but really, I'm unbelievably impressed.  It takes me the better part of an hour to run a 5K so I can't imagine running 13 + miles in a little over an hour.  

At 8:30am the kids and I were stationed in the stands at Fluor Field, anxiously waiting for Bobby.  It had rained the night before so everything was wet and it was freezing cold.  We didn't care though.  The kids made the cutest signs for him and were determined to support him, even if it meant getting up ridiculously early and getting frostbite to do so.  I am so incredibly proud as Bobby ran toward the finish line and the kids started jumping up and down, holding up their signs (Hannah had hers upside down) and yelling encouragement for him.  This is my beautiful family!

Official finish time:  1:38:43
Pace:  7:32
Finish:  76th out of 1269 runners (not too shabby babe!)
I would probably look a whole lot worse if I just ran 13.2 miles.  I probably wouldn't even be breathing :-)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Joys of Oktoberfest

German Food...Rides...Funnel Cakes...Crafts...Fresh Squeezed Lemonade...Running into Old Friends...German Music + Dancing...and did I mention the German Food?

You can't go to the Oktoberfest and not get a funnel cake.

Yes, most of my pictures are of rides or food.  But I did manage to get one of the guy playing the humongous horn!  I was too busy stuffing my face or talking to take more...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Darth Vader & Pinkelicous

Last month our local library hosted two very fun parties for children:  a Pinkelicious party and a Star Wars Party.  Both were equally fun and exciting for Hannah & Samuel.  

Sunday afternoon Hannah dressed head to toe in her favorite pink outfit + accessories as instructed by the invite.  I had never read the Pinkelicious books before so I wasn't sure what to expect but I can't imagine it being any different now.  The decorations were super cute and it was fun listening as several workers read a few of the books.

The Pinkelicious party included:
face painting
crafts -a  cupcake necklace and a felt cupcake
games - pin the cherry on the cupcake & if you successfully put your cherry on the cupcake you could choose a wand of your choice
snacks - pink cupcakes, pink lemonade and pink marshmallows

* * * * * *

The following evening we returned to the library with Darth Vader and Princess Leia in towe.  Sammy had planned to be Darth Vader for Halloween so we already had his costume on hand.  Hannah wanted to be Princess Leia but insisted on wearing her pink outfit again.  At least I managed to get her hair up in the braided buns!
This time the party room was decorated with Star Wars books, which were available to be checked out.  They were playing one of the movies (don't ask me which) in the background.  

The Star Wars party included:
crafts - painting rocks to look like Star Wars characters and making a Chewbacca tissue box cover
games - Star Wars trivia which we won!  We received a Star Wars tin canister full of popcorn
snacks - Wookie Cookies, Yoda juice (green Hawaiian punch),  Bosch brownies

I didn't get as many pictures of this party b/c I was slightly preoccupied painting my rock and sewing the tissue box cover.  Bobby was busy winning the trivia for us :-)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...