Monday, June 14, 2010


Yesterday Bobby & I traded in our children for airplane tickets.  Sadly.  It was so hard leaving my two sweet babies with my parents and driving away, knowing I won't see them again for a week!  But I know they'll be in good hands so I'm going to make the best of it.

After a 45 minute delay we finally boarded our flight and two hours later we arrived in beautiful Boston.  I honestly didn't relax until we arrived (I felt panicky that we would crash & my children would be left w/o parents...  I just had to continually pray for peace.)  Our hotel is in the heart of Brookline with shops and restaurants within walking distance.  I've already found the nearest Starbucks and Panera.

Bobby & I are sad to be away from the kids for so long...
 but we quickly recovered/relaxed over some sushi (right across the street from our hotel.)

I hopped aboard the T and rode to the Paul Revere House.  Do not ask the T employees for directions.  The lady I asked got me totally turned around and I ended up asking a local to point me in the right direction (he was actually friendly!).  After about a 10 minute walk I arrived safely at my destination.  The Paul Revere house isn't the most spectacular landmark but it was very interesting.  In the midst of all these huge churches, restaurants, and shops is this small, modest, wood house.  It's a quick tour through the house simply b/c it consists of two rooms downstairs and two room upstairs.  The history is quite interesting though and you can see the original furniture, woodwork, and wall decor.   Well worth the time I spent getting there...



 (a teeny tiny garden out back)


Sorry there are no pictures of the inside but you're not allowed to take pictures or videos while touring the house.  You're not supposed to have drinks, food or gum either ... what a rule breaker I am...

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...