Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hannah @ 6:
favorite color:  green
favorite food:  Rice
favorite ice cream flavor:  Strawberry & Vanilla
favorite animal:  girl lion ("you know, the one without the poofy mane) & a zebra
favorite movie:  Nanny McPhee
favorite book:  any Berestain Bear book
favorite cartoon:  Caillou and Spongebob
favorite song:  Hey Soul Sister by Train
favorite game:  Trouble
favorite sport:  soccer (but not really...I say basketball)
favorite person:  Sammy & Amos
favorite thing to do:  playing in the fort she built in my azalea bushes

Samuel @ 4:
favorite color:  Red
favorite food:  Mashed Potatoes
favorite ice cream flavor:  Chocolate
favorite animal:  Penguins
favorite movie:  Tom & Jerry
favorite book:  The Lorax
favorite cartoon:  Spongebob
favorite song:   Holy, Holy, Holy!
favorite game:  Wipe-Out for the Wii
favorite sport:  Basketball
favorite person:  Mama (as he kisses my arm) & Amos (as he kisses my belly)
favorite thing to do:  play video games (on the Wii or iPad)

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...