Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Fall Field Trip

Today my parents & I took my sweet babies to Cherokee today.  It's so beautiful this time of year - the leaves are turning, the mountains are gorgeous and the weather is wonderful. 

We spent about three hours at Santa's Land and then wandered around downtown Cherokee shopping and watching full blooded Cherokee Indians dancing.  We've been studying about Pioneers and Native Americans so this was a fun field trip as well.

We arrived home full of sugar yet exhausted from all of the walking.  I am so thankful for my parents who basically paid for everything and took turns watching Amos so I could join the kids on the rides.

I'm sorry there are so many pictures to look through but the photo collage site I use is not cooperating at the moment.  Plus this is basically our family photo album/scrapbook so...  There were a ton more photos so I at least narrowed it down to my favorites.
--Amos & Papa looking at the bears.--
 --Have you seen 'Parental Guidance'?  It's Carl the Kangaroo!--
--"I was PREPARED!!"--

 --What is Papa pointing at?  Not sure because the kids were more interested in the fish they were feeding.--

 --The view from the top of the ferris wheel.  Just beautiful.--
 --My ferris wheel buddy.--
 --Amos on the train.--
 --The Rudi Coaster.  Hannah & Samuel are on the front.--

 --Reindeer.  And they are so beautiful.--

The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...