Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Snow, My Old Friend

As you can guess from my previous post and the title for this one, it snowed today!!! Very rare indeed for our little neck of the woods.

It started snowing around 1:30pm (which I didn't notice until my mom called and enlightened me) but didn't stick. After Sammy got up from his nap we decided to play in the flurries but by the time I got myself and two kids ready to go outside it had turned to sleet. So we went out anyways and visited one of our neighbors. We got home, chatted on the phone with Bobby for a few minutes, and looked outside to see another downpour of snow.

I'm talking solid white and HUGE flakes!!! It was awesome!! So we once again tackled the mess of coats, hats and gloves that were piled in the corner and headed outside. By this point in was almost 4pm and the snow was finally sticking. Our yard was so beautiful and it made me so happy & excited to see Hannah and Samuel playing. Hannah finally got to make a snowball and throw it. Sadly we didn't get to sled or build a snowman though. Around 6:30pm the snow stopped and was quickly followed by rain. Our winter wonderland had turned to a slushy mess but at least we got to enjoy it for a few hours...

Bundled up and ready to play...

The snow is sticking!!!

Catching snowflakes on their tongues.

Please stop taking pictures so I can play!!

Our beautiful snow covered yard.

Sammy was lovin' the snow!

Another picture? It's the last one I promise.

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...