Monday, August 15, 2011

Whew...what a busy summer!

We have seriously had a busy summer!!  I finally made time today to edit these photos so I could post them.

On the 15th of July we celebrated 62 years of this handsome fellow...

He's been such a blessing to me and our family.  We praise our Heavenly Father that He has brought Daddy through so much in those sixty-two years.  We're thankful Daddy is still with us and is fairly healthy and still as grumpy as ever!
We had a small party, grilled hamburgers and didn't eat cake because we all assumed the other person was going to make it.  My sister bought two cakes a few days later and we gathered together again to sing 'Happy Birthday' and continue the celebration.

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When we weren't swimming or partying with friends we've been reading.  I signed the kids up for the Summer Reading Program at our local library at the beginning of June.  This year there was also an Adult Summer Reading Program and I was excited to join.  It was a reading bingo that you filled in as you completed your books.  For every bingo completed you were entered into a drawing to win some really cool prizes.  I completed two bingo's but didn't think I would have a chance of winning the grand prize since everyone from the Westminster, Walhalla and Senecas libraries were all entered.

We attended the Medal Ceremony that closed the kids summer reading program.  It was such a hot day and it was so crowded but I don't think the kids noticed at all.  There was a bouncy house and a bouncy slide which Hannah & Sam loved.  The local fire department set up a sprinkler for the kids to run through and there were free snowcones.  It was so sweet watching Hannah & then Sam walk up to collect their medals and certificates during the medal ceremony.  You could see how proud they were!

 We didn't stay for the Adult Summer Reading party because we had a birthday party to attend.  I wish we had stayed for a little while though because...
I won the GRAND PRIZE baby!!!  
I'm still shocked...and still looking for someone to buy it because I don't really want it and I don't really need it.

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I've never thought of summer as a beautiful season until this year.  I love the clear blue of pools, the fresh clearness of the river and the bright and beautiful colors of my Moss Roses.  About four or five roses will bloom every day and there's such a beautiful variety of colors.  It's always exciting to see what colors are going to be on display for the day.

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...