Thursday, July 19, 2012

One Week

It's been one week (as of yesterday) since Mr. Amos joined our little family...

 From the very beginning he's been a good sleeper and a lazy eater.  Sometimes he wakes up on his own every two hours or so and other times I have to wake him up and work with him to eat at least 10 minutes.  He definitely loves Hannah & Samuel and will usually stop fussing when he hears them talking.

The hardest part so far is juggling everything.  I've been taking care of Amos while Bobby takes care of me, the kids, the chores and everything in between.  It's hard for me to not do the daily chores and I've had to accept that Bobby does things differently than me.  We've been blessed by so many of our brothers & sisters at the church we've joined.  They've been bringing us meals and one couple even brought lunch for us for the following day along with our supper! 

Hannah & Samuel have adjusted well to Amos.  Hannah loves him and holds him every chance she gets.  She's always hovering around when he's getting his diaper changed, just holding his hands and talking to him.  I've had to wash his hair twice now because she's constantly rubbing his head.  Samuel has held Amos a few times but would rather run up and give kisses or rub his head.  He's not as hands on :-)

The first hour after Amos was born...

Hannah is a very excited and a very good big sister.

Sammy takes a turn holding Amos.

My three guys.

Dressed and ready to go home...we were released a day early.  Thankfully.  Hospital beds are not conducive to resting.

Snuggled in and ready to head home.

 Snuggling with Papa Jordan on his birthday - which is 4 days after Amos'.

Our sweet little guy at one week old.

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...