Friday, October 19, 2012


October has arrived and brought a myriad of wonderful things with it...
  • We completed our first month of school for the year.
  • Wonderful fall weather which means...
  • open windows!
  • A promotion of sorts for Bobby @ work.
  • The Oktoberfest (this weekend).
  • And sweet baby Amos turning three months old!
Hannah has really been enjoying her schoolwork for this year.  I decided to use My Father's World first grade curriculum instead of piecing it all together like I did last year.  I love that we're covering a wide variety of topics this year:  science (which is basically experiments and outdoor exploration), math, language arts, scripture memorization, geography (starting with Israel) and history (starting with creation).  I also love that the science & math are so easy and already prepared for me.  I am terrible at math & science.  Give me literature & history!! 
                                                                    Sammy is doing kindergarten work and I'm basically following the curriculum I pieced together last year for Hannah.  He's working hard at writing his letters and is getting better with each passing day.  He's getting really excited for Upward Basketball which starts next month.  He's been talking about it for months now.

I am loving this fall weather!  If you know me, you know I'm not a summer person.  I love cold weather, sweaters, fires, hot chocolate and snow.  It's been nice having the windows open and letting in all of that fresh crisp air.

Sammy w/a sleeping Amos.
Sweet little Amos is now three months old.  His little personality is emerging more and more with each passing day.  He smiles & coos the most first thing in the morning.  He's going to be a morning person which is the complete opposite from the rest of us.
He has switched from loving the swing to hating it & from hating the bouncer to loving it.  Amos loves swiping at and often grabbing the butterflies that dangle from the bouncer.  He's learned to kick his feet to make those same butterflies jingle.  Clever little fellow.
He also started laughing this month.  My sister was holding him and talking to him.  All of a sudden he laughed - which scared him and made him cry!  Now the kids & I spend all of our free time trying to make him laugh.
Our little fellow will be ready for solid foods when 4 months rolls by.  Bobby holds Amos while we're eating supper and he stares at our food the entire time.  Sometimes he'll open his mouth as Bobby is lifting his fork.  The kids are excited for this new milestone since we bought the Baby Bullet. 

I am loving this season of our life and I'm looking forward to the many milestones Amos will be hitting over the next few months!

--Exploration Day @ Oconee State Park--

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...