Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Not So Wordless Wednesday

Last week we received a box of fowl from the Cackle Hatchery in Tennessee.  It arrived last Wednesday at our local post office.  We bought 2 geese, 2 ducks, 2 turkeys and 20 chicks.  We ended up with an extra turkey and 2 extra chicks.

The night before they arrived Bobby set up their boxes with pine chips, water bottles and heat lamps.  We immediately put the ducks and geese in one box and then separated the chicks/turkeys between the other two boxes.  I made the kids wait until late in the afternoon to hold them so they could settle down after their two day trip.  They were so cold & scared that they chirped loudly all day.  Even Hannah, the animal lover, remarked that she wished they would get quiet.

On Thursday we noticed one of the turkeys looked sick.  We worked nearly all day caring for it but it still died.  Hannah & I were so upset.  It was so small and cute.  I felt bad that it was so sick and we couldn't help it.

Hannah loves to hold all of them, Sammy was nervous but now enjoys holding the chicks, and Amos likes to look at & pet them but does not want to old any of them.  Yesterday one of our goslings walked up to Amos and he started yelling, "Not me!!  Not me!!" (his new favorite phrase).  He ran away but the gosling just kept waddling along behind him.  I wish I had gotten a video because it was hilarious!

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This past Saturday Bobby once again participated in the Collins Home Mud Run.  It's for such a good cause and it's just so much fun!  I love seeing how many people/teams come to support the Collins Home - a place for children to go when their parents can't care for them.  Last year Sammy had a little guy on his Upward team who lived at Collins Home.  His parents would come to the games and spend time with him.  He was temporarily living at CH until his parents were able to get jobs and get on their feet.

Bobby had a team this year who was a little more athletic and competitive than his teammates last time ;-)  They actually finished in an hour & a half (I think).  And of course the kids did the Kids Mud Run.  Thankfully it was much warmer this year and hadn't rained the entire week before the run.  The guys/gal didn't look nearly as muddy as they did last year.  Hannah & Sammy on the other hand...

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...