Monday, April 27, 2015

Shiloh @ 4 months

- rolling from his back onto his belly
- finding his voice and chatting loudly
- starting solid foods (home made baby food from locally grown sweet potatoes)
- sleeping through the night
- easily grasping objects
- recognizing voices.  He will stop nursing if Bobby walks into the room & starts talking.

Please ignore my dirty rug in the background.

- his siblings, especially Hannah
- sleeping on his tummy
- sweet potatoes
- being held.  All.the.Time.
- bath time

Shiloh with Granny Jordan.  His face in this picture cracks me up.  He looks a little scared and like he's yelling for help.

- sleeping on his back
- being in his swing or bouncer for more than 5 minutes
- waiting more than a second between bites of food.

- drool.  Lots and lots of drool.  But no teeth yet.
- grabbing everything.  And everything going into his mouth.
- his pudgy little self, squirming and smelling so sweet after a bath.
- first baby shower (for my niece Jessi -I'm going to be a great aunt!)
- reaching for my face when I'm changing his diaper.

- weight is 15 lbs and 5 oz (70th percentile)
- height is 25.5 inches (70th percentile)

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...