Friday, June 9, 2017

Amos | Soccer

After Sammy's basketball season ended, we decided to let Amos try a sport (or whatever he might be interested in).   He chose soccer which completely surprised me.  I mean, we don't watch soccer.  Or even like soccer.  But that's what he chose so we decided to give it a try.  We joined the City Stars team which is completely free, figuring if he didn't like it, we weren't out too much money.

He LOVED it!!  I mean LOVED LOVED LOVED it.  He had a one hour practice once a week and a game on Saturday morning.  Unfortunately, it was really rainy this season so he really only played like four games but that didn't bother this guy.  He had a blast.

And we had so much fun watching his games.  Half of the time the kids just wandered around the field crying or looking at insects.  Or else they decided to go to the sidelines for a snack even though it wasn't half time.  His very first game the ball rolled onto the neighboring field where another game was in progress.  Amos' team and rival team just took the game to that field until the coaches finally intervened.  I'm telling you, it was a hoot.

Amos played every game and some games he played the entire game.  He was always trying to get the ball and even scored a goal each game except for his very last game.

At the end of the season his coach held a pizza party and each player got a little soccer trophy.  Amos thought that was the best thing ever!  So I guess we'll be singing up for the fall soccer league.  But I'm not telling him until the day of his first practice or I'll never have any peace.

We adore #7 😍

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...