Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Tea Party

Today was the Mother/Daughter Tea Party at Chick-fil-A. Hannah was so excited to wear her fancy dress and have an actual tea party. I must admit it was a lot of fun! We started out decorating crown shaped sugar cookies. Then we had tea time (which was actually some really tart lemonade.) Then they served our lunch - 6 piece nuggets, waffle fries and fruit skewers. After lunch we had a small cup of Ice Dream ice cream with sprinkles on top. The "fancy" Chick-fil-A cow put in an appearance so Hannah had her picture made with her. When we left they gave us all a balloon, a pink carnation and a goodie bag. Hannah had a blast and I got to spend some time with Jennifer (a friend of mine) who was there with her two daughters - Hannah (who's Hannah's age) and Brooklyn (who is 2 months younger than Sammy.)

I hope you enjoy the pictures of our fancy tea party...

Hannah waiting for the party to begin.

Brooklyn is such a cutie!! She ate her cookie first and the frosting later!

Hannah models Brooklyn's boa.

A somewhat blurry picture of Hannah's cookie after she added the icing and two containers of chocolate sprinkles.

A group shot - me because the lady who took the picture didn't move back far enough.
Yay! I finally made it into the picture but everyone else has moved on so I'm the only one looking. The cute blond across from me is the "other" Hannah.

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The Clark's Next Big Adventure

So much for keeping the blog updated this year 😂  The Clark family is embarking on another adventure though and it's too big not to doc...